President Franklin Roosevelt
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President Franklin Roosevelt and Congress established agencies to employ people in public works .
Four years later , President Franklin Roosevelt appointed Johnson as Texas director of Roosevelt 's National Youth Administration .
No American did more to pursue this objective than President Franklin Roosevelt .
World disarmament is one of the important diplomatic ideas of the President Franklin Roosevelt .
President Franklin Roosevelt is on the front of the dime .
The following day , President Franklin Roosevelt went to Congress to ask for a declaration of war against Japan .
From 1933 to 1936 , Hill was an advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt .
The economic recovery plan is the largest since President Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal during the Great Depression in the nineteen thirties .
He returned to the United States in 1941 and there conferred more than once with President Franklin Roosevelt .
Yet somehow the country 's moribund military-industrial complex was able to respond with great force to President Franklin Roosevelt 's call to arms .
The next day , with a push of a telegraph button in the White House , President Franklin Roosevelt opened the bridge to cars , too .
Prices in Britain fell steadily after 1920 until President Franklin Roosevelt finally wrecked the gold standard at the London Conference on exchange rate stabilisation in 1933 .
President Franklin Roosevelt 's wife Eleanor planted what was called a " Victory Garden " as part of the war effort in nineteen forty-three .
The superstition has been around since at least the early 1900s , and even President Franklin Roosevelt reportedly said " rabbit , rabbit " to usher in each new month .
Years later , President Franklin Roosevelt stated that Thanksgiving should always be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month-as opposed to landing on the occasional fifth Thursday .
President Franklin Roosevelt also saw him naked , along with several White House staff during his 24-day visit in 1941 . Churchill had just taken his bath and was pacing around in the nude when Roosevelt came in .
The rapid GDP and money supply growth in the US from 1933 onwards - despite the fact that private sector borrowing did not increase at all during this period - were also made possible by increased government borrowing under President Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal .
The expression has been used for years . A former governor of New York state , Alfred Smith , criticized some claims by President Franklin Roosevelt about the successes of the Roosevelt administration . Smith said , " No matter how thin you it , it is still baloney . "
Trierweiler , a twice-divorced mother of three who has said she doesn 't want to be boxed into the role of " second fiddle , first lady " - focused on the independence of a woman who refused to live silently in the shadow of US wartime President Franklin Roosevelt .
The New Deal was President Franklin D. Roosevelt 's attempt to alleviate the emergency .
Many of Keynes 's ideas were included in President Franklin D. Roosevelt 's New Deal program .
Fourth Inaugural Address Of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Other cities and states followed Colorado 's example until 1937 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed it a holiday .
That 's why the American President , Franklin Roosevelt , said : " The only thing we have to fear is fear itself . "
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered a freeze of Japanese assets because he was starting to worry about the possibility of war .
Harry Truman ( 1884-1972 ) in the afternoon of April 12 , 1945 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt died .
The only person to break from Washington 's precedent was President Franklin D. Roosevelt , with a record-setting four election wins .
The hints to this effect immediately made historically conscious observers look back to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's New Deal of the 1930s as a prototype .
The hotel was actually first created as a Works Progress Administration project during the Great Depression , and President Franklin D. Roosevelt actually came out in person to dedicate it .
In 1937 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared October 12th a Federal holiday and Christopher Columbus Day became a fixture on the American calendar .